I kind of would like to do "4 things" instead but I guess four is a bad number. I kind of want to cut down on the number of parenthetical comments I make, but then this would just be one giant, boring list. So here we go:
Songs I could listen to forever
1) Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun
2) Bloc Party - This Modern Love
3) Tegan and Sara - I Know I Know I Know
4) The Stills - Gender Bombs
5) The Perishers - Sway
Ways I'd measure my success in the future
1) I can shop at Crate & Barrel
2) I've gone through a long-term relationship and some random short flings
3) TMV still has annual dinners together
4) I live comfortably and can pay for whatever my parents want
5) People look at me and think "wow for a lady her age, she's pretty fit"
My day mainly consists of
1) Putting in eye drops
2) Listening to my iPod anytime I'm not next to my computer playing iTunes
3) Checking how fat I am in the mirror
4) Thinking about how I can turn some event into a bloggable post
5) Making lists on scraps of paper
Things I hate about myself
1) My strange laugh
2) Lack of common sense
3) Inability to hold conversations with strangers
4) Crappy wardrobe
5) Over bluntness
Physical things I hate about myself (because this needed its own category)
1) My stomach
2) My round face
3) Boring hair
4) Weird bumpy skin on my arms
5) The sides of my stomach (since my stomach is so large it requires two mentions)
Regrets in the 19 years of my life
1) This sublet
2) Not lying better to my mom about my apartment
3) B- in macroeconomics
4) Eating so much as a middle schooler and becoming fat
5) All the times I could have made friends but was too shy
Things I like about myself
1) Very good sleeping habits
2) Became dependent on exercise
3) Except for the section above, I really have had no regrets. And even those regrets are not that big
4) Worked hard in high school and college kind of came easily
5) Self-motivated
Shows everyone should watch
1) How I Met Your Mother season 2
2) Veronica Mars season 1
3) Friday Night Lights season 1
4) Popular season 1
5) How I Met Your Mother season 1, just so you can really appreciate season 2
Foods I could eat forever
1) Green seedless grapes
2) Plain scrambled eggs with ketchup
3) Salmon
4) Coffee ice cream
5) Peanut M&Ms (at least until my mouth begins to break out in canker sores)
Favorite scenes from tv shows
1) Raindance from the season finale of How I Met Your Mother Season 1
2) When Logan waits in the hotel but it turns out to be Alyson Hannigan, not his mother, in Veronica Mars. And then he cries
3) Fight scene from the season finale of Alias Season 2 (it took me forever to remember Francie's name when I searched for this - I kept thinking "it's NOT Fergie ... it's NOT Fergie ..."
4) Jess chasing Rory in some episode of Gilmore Girls
5) All the chicken dance parts of Arrested Development. There used to be a really good compilation but it got taken off :(
Easiest ways to make me want to punch you
1) Be clingy
2) Ask stupid questions
3) Be conceited
4) Walk really slowly in front of me
5) Make me repeat myself
Traits of my "type"
1) Athletic
2) Awkward yet comfortable in their own skin - it's hard to explain, I think basically it's just not being overly confident
3) White
4) Not in business
5) Older
Things I wish I owned
1) A steam iron
2) DVDs of all the shows I've ever watched growing up
3) A better computer that doesn't lag when I watch streaming videos
4) A really awesome wardrobe (boots, business wear, blazers, jeans, sunglasses)
5) Free access to all the music in the world that I could spend the rest of my life going through
Reasons I love my house in Arcadia
1) My parents do everything and more for me
2) The backyard is a peaceful place to sit in, although I never do
3) My dad sweeps the floor every day and mops every week
4) Walking distance to the track and the library
5) I don't feel like the walls are infested with mold, as I do in Berkeley
Reasons I love Berkeley
1) College Ave.
2) Even though it gets incredibly hot, it only lasts about three days
3) Free bus pass
4) Pedestrian friendly
5) SF Financial district
Best things ever bought
1) My TMV ring (the lost one)
2) The camera TMV bought me
3) The solar powered monkey Alvin bought me for getting into Haas
4) Roll of paper towels I bought at Trader Joe's upon arrival at my sublet (used for SO many things)
5) The iPod my cousin gave me
Favorite youtube videos
1) Clearly.
2) One of the tasks of the 2nd Annual TMV Dinner
3) Maybe I should just retitle this "favorite videos of TMV"
4) Watching this video made me listen to this song like 50x
5) I can't even begin to explain this. HAHA Basically they recap episodes of ANTM and other shows, and this is a collection of some parts and their show is HILARIOUS but I doubt anyone would really appreciate this because it's taken so out of context
Things I truly believe in
1) The first and second seasons of a show are the best, after that, they're terrible (exception: Buffy, but only because the first season was not that great)
2) I'll have my mid-life crisis in my twenties
3) When I lie flat on the ground for extended periods of time, it makes my stomach flatter
4) I'll never have closer friends than TMV
5) All H&M clothes are perfectly sized for me
Small events that probably changed my life
1) Dancing with TMV on the lawn of Arcadia Public Library
2) Taking the bus home with Angelica and some other RCSAers
3) The day in Pow Wow when we were talking about what colleges we got into and Greg goes "are you and Chrystal rooming together?" and we look at each other and go "hm. Never thought of that..."
4) Seeing Li-Ting at my first career fair
5) Going to SF last weekend
Biggest influences in my life
1) Johnston, who turned me into a giant pervert
2) Chrystal, who showed me how critical (ie. bitchy) some people are (OK that was phrased poorly, I wouldn't call her a bitch. I would just say she's taught me that people judge)
3) My mom, I can't even really say why but I'm sure it's one
4) Henry, who unleashed the inner Meltang of bluntness
5) Jackie and Vanessa, because they were my first best friends
Hottest people EVER
1) Sarah Shahi (she's freaking gorgeous but there are NO good pictures of her, at least, of her clothed)
2) Kristen Bell
3) Kyle Chandler

HELLO?! WHERE are Friday Night Light clips on Youtube?! If you have a show that is critically acclaimed but lacking in viewership, you freaking don't go around taking videos off of youtube. It's FREE ADVERTISING. IDIOTS.
4) Bridget McManus
She's gained and lost 60 pounds FIVE times. I want to know how she does it.
5) My mom.
I'll keep calling myself fat until:
1) I can sit down without having a giant bulge of stomach fat
2) I don't think "OMFG I'M A WHALE" when I have period bloating
3) I go to bed still satisfied with my body, even after eating regular meals
4) I can press my face down and give myself double chins, but not recoil in horror
5) I would feel thin enough to prance around in a bikini
Places I love
1) Danny's minivan
2) Souplantation
3) Danny's house
4) Haas (although it's still early and I may soon hate the building)

5) Bay Bridge

Things that scare the shit out of me
1) Losing my sight
2) Being attacked in the shower
3) Tripping and falling down the stairs
4) Being alone in the future with no friends
5) Someone accidentally slicing my skin with their fingernails/toenails
Favorite clothes
1) Really short A&F shorts I wear to sleep
2) $50 A&F jeans I bought from Ontario Mills
3) Three pairs of underwear I bought off the streets of Taiwan for $2 which never make me look fat
4) $25 Let's Go to the Mall t-shirt
5) White fleece jacket from Old Navy, although it's usually not cold enough to wear
Things that make me smile
1) Old couples holding hands
2) When people who look kind of scary give up their bus seats for the elderly


A9SecondSleeper: when are you going to get yourself a boyfriend
A9SecondSleeper: there are a bunch of them
A9SecondSleeper: lying around
A9SecondSleeper: broken hearted
aznwalmartgurl8: AHAHAH
aznwalmartgurl8: HELLO i DO want to go out wiht someone
aznwalmartgurl8: but i do not meet people :-(:-(
A9SecondSleeper: OH
A9SecondSleeper: what if i set you up with guys?
A9SecondSleeper: hmm i'd have to find some
A9SecondSleeper: that i'd be okay with you dating
A9SecondSleeper: or else it'd be WEIRD
A9SecondSleeper: mmm and its best if you don't date my friends
A9SecondSleeper: because if they break your heart
A9SecondSleeper: i'd have to kill them
A9SecondSleeper: and i'd lose a friend, obviously